
为了有资格获得经济援助, there 是 requirements on the number of credit hours you enroll in and there 是 requirements to verify that those hours count towards your program of study. 你的注册决定了经济援助的数额 支付 给你.

Becoming familiar with 金融援助's key enrollment requirements and terminology will help you anticipate what financial aid you will receive and make plans for each term accordingly. 



手机一族 is a requirement that states only courses that 是 part of your degree plan or certificate can count towards your total enrolled hours for receiving financial aid. 由于这个要求, 如果你选的课程不是你正式学位计划的一部分, 这将导致你的课程获得较少或没有经济资助.




An evaluation of 手机一族 enrollment is completed through an automated process before the start of a new semester and will run daily to account for any enrollment changes throughout the semester. 一旦初始评估已经运行, students can contact their financial aid office to verify that their courses 是 being counted towards financial aid. The initial and last automated dates for evaluation 是 posted below for each semester.


时间表 2024年夏天 2024年秋季 2025年春季 2025年夏天
初始手机一族评估 3/26/24 7/12/24 10/29/24  4/2/25 
最近一次手机一族评估 7/11/24 10/28/24 4/1/25  7/17/25 
顾问撤销手机一族的最后一天 8/8/24 12/14/24 5/17/25  8/15/25 



我们鼓励学生参考他们的学位规划工具, 全球定位系统(GPS), located on ace as a guide for understanding what future courses count toward their degree plan. 关于某门课程是否算在学位中的具体问题 or if a course override may be applicable, 联系你的学术顾问.


囊建议 程控建议 PAC建议 签证中心咨询 缴送工作建议




学生申请经济援助的注册状态将仅以手机一族小时为基础. 你的注册状态将决定你的奖学金将支付给你多少.e. whether you 是 meeting minimum enrollment requirements or whether proration is required).  


你的 出勤费用(COA) 最初是根据全日制入学的预期来计算的吗. 你的 COA will re-calculate after a semester has started based only on your total 手机一族 hours. This could result in a reduced COA than was originally calculated if the amount of 手机一族 hours is not full-time.

联邦政府的全面削减, 状态, or Institutional aid may be necessary after COA is recalculated if the total amount of financial aid awarded exceeds your COA.




No, an override approved by an academic advisor will count only towards that specific course and section. 如果你改变你的类或它被删除, 您需要联系您的学术顾问重新添加覆盖.


You should always reference your official degree plan and course catalog as to what courses count toward their degree. 关于某门课程是否算在学位中的具体问题, 联系你的学术顾问. 

Currently, the best way to contact your Certified Advisor is by scheduling an appointment: 

  • 登录ace
  • 选择“Start Here”选项卡
  • 选择“Alamo导航”图标
  • 点击“登录”
  • 选择“Appointments”选项卡
  • 选择“预约”
  • 选择预约的原因,然后点击“下一步”
  • 选择位置,点击“下一步”
  • 选择适合您的日期和时间,然后单击“下一步”。
  • 在Notes框中输入“Zoom Appointment”
  • 检查选择并确认您的预约




There 是 four levels of enrollment used to classify our student population each semester in Fall, 春天, 和夏天. 与每个注册状态相关的学分数量如下所示.

全职 3/4的时间 半场 小于半场
12个小时 9 - 11个小时 6 - 8小时  1 - 5个小时 



经济援助通常是根据全日制入学率的预期发放的. 某些助学金将按比例发放, 或者根据百分比重新计算, 如果你没有注册全职手机一族小时. These recalculations will occur within each part-of-term that you attend in a semester.


全职 3/4的时间 半场 小于半场
12个小时 9 - 11个小时 6 - 8小时  1 - 5个小时 
原报价的100% 原报价的75% 原报价的50%

原报价的0- 25% 


经济援助奖项 十大网赌正规网址官网区按比例支付的费用包括:

  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金(SEOG)
  • 德州公共教育补助金(TPEG)
  • 德州教育机会补助金(TEOG)


经济援助奖项 按比例支付,并将全额支付至少一半的注册包括:

  • 联邦直接贷款(补贴、无补贴、附加)



The various course options offered at Alamo based on their duration and start date in a semester 是 known as 'Parts-of-term'. Ex. 16周,Flex I, Start II, Flex II, Summer I, Summer II学期等. 

由于一个学期有很多开始日期,你 必须是出席者,而不是注册者,以便将你的入学申请计入支付给你的经济援助金额. 详见下文. 




This means that your offered financial aid for a semester will only pay out 100% at the same time if all the classes you 是 actively going to sh是 the same start date and disbursement date. If your registered classes 是 spread out between parts-of-term with different start dates and disbursement dates, 你的经济援助将被分割并按比例分配.




人口普查是正式确认部分学期入学的日期. 所有的时间都被认为是“锁定”在这一天的经济援助支付的目的. 






示例# 1: If you 是 enrolled full time in Fall (12+ credit hours) and begin 9 credit hours of courses during a 16-week part-of-term, on the 16-week disbursement date your disbursement will be prorated to 75% of your eligible financial aid. 一旦你开始3个学分的Flex II部分学期, Flex II付款日期, 您将获得剩余25%的合格经济援助. 

例# 2: If you 是 enrolled full time (12+ credit hours) and begin all classes during Flex I or 16-week sessions, you will receive 100% of the eligible financial aid for which you qualify all on the same date. 如果您添加额外的类, no adjustments will be made 给你r financial aid since you've already received your maximum disbursement. 

We want you to be aw是 that if you drop a course before the census date of any part of term for which you 是 enrolled, 你的经济援助计算也将反映这些变化. 这可能会导致你的经济援助减少.